
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Over the hills and through the woods to summer camp we go!@

Waterfall on "End of Your World" Trail at Jasper
 After three weeks in Canada its finally here! We leave tonight for SYC summer camp with the church youth group for two weeks (senior high and then junior high). Our team has spent the last week preparing for the church's VBS that is just under a month away. We have been busy making decoration, designing and distributing fliers, and most importantly we have been able to all this while getting to know the youth of the church. I continue to be amazed by the generosity of the church and how gracious the families are in providing for us. Yesterday we had the opportunity to go to Jasper for our day off and spend our day hiking through the mountains and soaking in hot springs! This week at camp we will each be leading a "Chatroom" or bible study along with a workshop during the day. We will also be leading the opening and closing night gatherings! Pray for all the kids coming to camp and how we may show the love of Jesus Christ to all the lives we have the opportunity to minister to this week.

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