
Saturday, July 16, 2011

The mosquitos are here and they're organized....

This past week has been a blast, we have spent the last six days at SYC(summer youth celebration) with youth from all over Canada. It was amazing to see how many of these youth were touched by God and how strongly He moved in their lives. Many of them had their first chance of hearing the gospel and even more came to know Christ. Throughout the week the kids played rec games, participated in bible studies, chat rooms, workshops, and worship. Each of us had the opportunity to lead both a workshop and chatroom for the kids. We were also able to host the opening and closing gatherings curing the week to play games with kids and have impacts on their lives. 
The week started of wet and more but it didn't stop the kids form having fun and praising God! Luckily the sun came out so we weren't mud covered the whole time and to drive off some of the mosquitos that could almost be mistaken as clouds. We had amazing opportunities to teach youth about the love story of the gospel through chatrooms and prayer after our worship services. Luckily I was asked by the worship leader  to do a piece of art during our worship service so that he could use it to emphasize a point he made during the sermon. it was incredible to see how the students responded to artwork and how it placed God on their heart. 
In a day and a half we get to go back and enjoy the same experience with the junior high youth, be praying that God will prepare their heart and present us with opportunities to minister to them.

Things Ive learned in Canada:
-Rock Paper Scissors in not the same here.....
-The State Dance of South Carolina isn't dancing at all in Canada
-Apparently God hates raison cookies... but seriously Hosea Chapter 3 look it up

1 comment:

  1. Miss u moose-keep up the good work
    God bless
