
Saturday, July 23, 2011

120 kids,5 and a half days, Zero hospital visits.... WIN!

Whoa! What an awesome week at camp, God did incredible things through out the week and we had 21 youth come to Christ!!!!!!! We spent this week at SYC junior high camp, wich was a much different experience that Senior high camp..... Luckily God held off the rain wich cut down the mosquitos and hospital visits all week. We were blessed with two incredible speakers to share Gods word this week and it was amazing to see the youth respond to Jesus as the week progressed! At first the kids were shy and slow to respond but Gods word was so overwhelming through out the week that they were eager to worship Him in chapel. On our final night of worship Nate (our speaker) gave a call to come forward and worship God, slowly but surely kids made their way to the front. The night ended with all of camp praising God with the arms raised all joining hands in front of the stage. It was one of the most powerful works of the Holy Spirit I have ever seen, and it was incredible to see God' presence so strong in such young kids.
        This week I continued my chatroom on "Living for Jesus" I was joined by two other missionaries from separate churches, Brian and Kyle, who both happend to be from the south so we were obviously best friends. We turned our chatroom into a game show in which kids discussed in there teams how they could live for Jesus. One of the highlights of the week was the friday night dodge ball tournament. All of the summer missionaries who were form the South made up "The Good Ole' Boys of Hazard County Team".
The last two weeks of camp will be an experience to remember, the time went by so fast but it was awesome to see how quickly we bonded with everyone there. Leaving today I couldnt believe i had only  known some of these people for two weeks when it seemed like a lifetime.

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