
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Its the final count down

After six weeks its weird to finally see the finish line. It will be hard for all of us to leave Canada and the amazing people we have met here. This week we were able to recover a bit from two weeks of camp, and put the final touches on our Vbs decorations. We have transformed the sanctuary  into New York city for our "Big Apple Adventure".  Next week we are hosting Vbs from 1 to 4, I will be leading recreation for the kids and the girls will both be leading separate classes.
This week we have been able to experience many different sides of Edmonton. One of our first nights back from SYC some of the staff took us out to Hot Pot to try real Chineses food. We ate thousand year egg, tripe, and a lot of other things for the first time. It was an adventure to say the least but we had a great time hanging out with the people form SYC before the left for China on missions. One of the highlights of the week was when a family in Canada cooked "Chikfila" for us. Then last night we visited the Taste of Edmonton, a festival where all the restaurants in the city set up booths for people to try samples.
Our vbs classes start next week as we finish up our time in Canada. The church is throwing us a going away dinner on thursday night before we all fly out Friday morning. These weeks have gone by way to fast for us to be leaving already.

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