
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sooo we've been in Canada over a week and it still hasn't snowed....

Our first week in Canada has been incredible to say the least! I have finally started to find my way around the city after my first attempt to drive on my own took a detour and a couple of dirt roads plus a moose crossing later I found my way back. The families here has ben so gracious in providing for us and cooking us meals. It has only been a week and we already feel like a part of the church family.We spent our first weekend serving the community at a local safety fair by grilling out and serving hotdogs. It was a great time to get to know the community and to be able to ministers to people who may not regularly come to church. We finally were able to meet the entire congregation for the first time on sunday and had the opportunity to spend even more time with the church family at the annual picnic after church. It was incredible to see how quickly the kids responded to us and how excited they were to participate in our games. This week we have painted a few things around the church and today had the opportunity to help a family who is going through a hard time move. A woman had come to the church yesterday after she had no where else to turn after being evicted form her apartment. Her family of three had enough money for the down payment but not enough to cover the next months rent on a new place to live. Unfortunately the church was unable to financially help her but they were able to provide groceries and today we along with our minister and other members of the church were able to move them into their new apartment for free. Thankfully because of our help and the financial aid of a close family member they were able to pay their rent for the first month in their new apartment. It has been amazing to see God's plan unfold in everything He has for us this summer and its inspiring to see the potential this summer has!

Things I've learned in Canada part two:
-Canadian Mountain Dew does not have caffeine....
-They need to re-read the rule book on football and what you can and cant do.
- A "BBQ" rarely involves any sort of bbq sauce or pulled pork/ribs

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I've brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and yes mom I've changed my underwear (First day in Canada)

My journey started at 4:29 yesterday and was suppose to end around 10:30 Edmonton time (12:30 Eastern) last night, a change in flight plans, overweight bag, and several delays later I arrived in Canada at 2:00 AM and finally got to the host home by 3, or 5:00 Am according to my internal clock. We have been blessed with a generous church family and multiple host families we had the opportunity to meet today. They spent the day introducing us to Canadian culture and telling us the needs of the church. It is amazing to see the passion the Canadian church has for God on such a dark spiritual place, to witness their boldness and eagerness to share the gospel has been a true inspiration and encouragement for our team as we prepare to serve the church and the Lord this summer.

Things I learned in Canada (Day 1):
-French frys come with gravy, not ketchup.
-Ma'am can actually be considered an insult.....
-Esso is actually a gas station

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

MapleSyrup Missions..

This summer God has put it on my heart to journey to Canada to tell the story of His love. Starting almost a year ago God began preparing me to spend the summer out of the country. Over the course of my sophomore year at Clemson God put an overwhelming burden on my heart to minister to the lost and continued to call me to missions. Step by step God revealed His plan to me, teaching me to follow by faith alone. By the end of fall semester I had no plans for my summer and had walked away from multiple opportunities but felt confident that God had something big in store for me. God continued to increase the burden my heart for the lost as spring semester started. Only a week before the mission applications deadline it became obvious that God was calling to summer missions with the South Carolina Baptist Convention through my BCM family at Clemson. Within a month I had already applied, interviewed, and been given my assignments for the summer. It was incredible to see how fast God’s plan came together!! In just a couple of weeks me and three students will be headed to Edmonton, Alberta to spread the word of Jesus Christ and His love. While working with a local church we will be reaching out in the community, building relationships in and out of the church, spending time at a summer camp with youth, and teaching others about the gospel. Please pray that God will prepare our hearts and the hearts of others for the plans He has in store for us and that we will be true reflections of Jesus Christ!