
Thursday, August 4, 2011

So Long... Farewell... In the morning we will fly!!

And so it ends, after seven weeks with our family in Canada we get to wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 4am to head back to Dixie. So much has happend that I can't even begin to tell the story!! This week was our VBS "Big Apple Adventure". I spent all week playing games with the kids in recreation while the girls taught their own classes. Almost every night this week we were saying good bye to some one. Tuesday we had dinner and movie night with Jonathan (our pastor) and his family at the Mitras (the girls host family) it was an incredible time to spend with everyone. Afterwards we had the chance to out for bubble tea (a whole new experience) and say farewell to Matt (a counselor from SYC). Then last night we took the opportunity to cook dinner for out host families and spend the evening together. Tonight unfortunately was our last night with the church and we celebrated with a potluck dinner. It was a bitter sweet time as we said goodbye to people when it feels like we just got here yesterday. Their continued to be so gracious and hospitable and gave each of us gifts as we left. There were some hard goodbyes, one of which being the Mitra's daughter Rachel, who latched on to me half way through dinner and screamed "MINE!!" anytime some one would come speak to me. It will be exciting to return home and see old friends and family but pieces of our hearts will always be here in Edmonton with Japer Place and the incredible people here.